ULI Washington WLI Circles Participant

ULI Washington WLI Circles Participant


WLI Circles is a peer-to-peer networking program where participants are placed in groups that meet multiple times over the program year to engage in candied dialogue, exchange ideas, explore professional development activities, and/or pursue collective learning opportunities. The group decides their own learning objectives and plans their activities collectively, so each Circle has an experience that is unique from other groups and previous years.

Each Circle is designed to have participants with a variety of professional experiences and at different stages in their career to facilitate a unique networking experience for all participants.

This opportunity is open to both members and nonmember and all who register are accepted into the program.


Each Circle will have 8-10 participants who meet at least 6 times over the course of the program year (September, 2024-June, 2025). Additional meetings are encouraged and may be done in person or virtually,  Please only register if you are committed to this level of  program participation.

Each Circle will be provided with optional discussion topics to facilitate meaningful connections and conversations. Most importantly, we aim to create a diversity of career levels and sectors in each WLI Circle to inspire interesting discussions.

Registration for the WLI Circles program can be found here. Please disregard the fields below – only applications completed through this link will be considered.


Participants build deep connections with those in their Circle and learn about other professions to gain a better understanding of how the real estate and land use planning industries work holistically.

Eligibility Score

This opportunity is open to all members.

Financial Commitment
Travel Required
Yes local travel

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