ULI Boston Program Oversight Committee Participant

ULI Boston Program Oversight Committee Participant


The Program Oversight Committee (POC) functions as a clearinghouse for local programming with a dual goal of 1) creating programming content that is original, relevant and engaging for our membership and 2) where appropriate, helping Local Product Councils (LPCs) create programs that are more targeted, more in depth and specific to a more nuanced area of land use. This committee participates in all levels of event planning and execution.


To be considered for participation in ULI Boston/New England’s Program Oversight Committee opportunity, please make sure to 1) update your ULI member profile with your biography and profile information before 2) submitting your statement of interest in the Navigator form below including your name, title, company name, and a short biography.


This lively committee is comprised of local product council chairs and at large members to generate program ideas and discuss how they fit into ULI’s annual programming. It is a great opportunity to add input and perspective for the local district council events.

Eligibility Score

Space is limited for this opportunity.

Financial Commitment
Travel Required

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