ULI I Charlotte NEXT Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network
ULI I Charlotte NEXT Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network
The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network is focused on helping our NEXT members (ages 35-45) grow in their careers as they step into leadership roles within the industry. Members may apply for consideration to the P2P Group of 10 members, chosen based on a diversity of experience, firm and professions. The P2P Network is not just a social hour, but a “next-level” networking opportunity where members can problem solve and learn from each other in a collaborative, confidential setting. The P2P Network will meet bi-monthly for an open exchange between members.
Open to ULI NEXT members (ages 35-45 years).
To be considered for participation, please make sure to 1) update your ULI member profile with your biography and profile information before 2) submitting a statement of interest in the Navigator form below, including information about your experience, expertise, and why you’d like to participate. We encourage you to take time to craft your statement as it will be shared with the P2P leaders for consideration.
Upon selection, members will be responsible for the $125 annual participation fee, paid prior to the first meeting.
The P2P Network is a “next-level” networking opportunity where members can problem solve and learn from each other in a collaborative, confidential setting. Participants will gain connections with other ULI member leaders to enhance their careers.
Eligibility Score
Space is limited for this opportunity.